The presentation is just the marketing of your content and cannot be a replacement for your main content ( a detailed deck metrics in case of fund raising a paper in case of a research presentation). 演示只是在营销自己的内容,但并不能取代你的主要内容(融资时,需要演示一套详细的幻灯片与度量指标;发表研究报告时,需要演示一篇论文)。
The replacement of short-dated Exchange Fund paper by longer-dated paper and the publication of an advance quarterly issuance schedule of Exchange Fund paper were well received by the market. 金管局发行更多较长期的外汇基金债券,代替短期债券,以及定期预先公布外汇基金债券季度发行时间表,均广受市场欢迎。
The development of the stock market signifies the replacement of indirect fund raising with direct fund raising to a certain extent. 股票市场的发展表明间接融资替代直接融资增加到某个程度。
The treaty they propose would turn the planned European Stabilisation Mechanism – the permanent replacement for the € 440bn European financial stability facility – into an independent fund, granting aid to debt-strapped countries under strict conditionality, but also promoting growth. 它们提议的条约将把欧洲稳定机制永久性替代4400亿欧元的欧洲金融稳定安排变成一个独立基金,以严格的条件为债务深重的国家提供援助,同时推动增长。
According to the factors sensitivity analysis, we can come to a different impartment from the aspects of replacement rate and fund balance. 根据对假设因素的敏感性分析,得出它们对收入替代率、基金缺口等方面的不同影响,此为本文的第二章内容。